Altair Typeface Family - WITH 2 FREE WEIGHTS


Altair is a sans serif type family with a connected cursive base, designed by Zetafonts developing
the original Digitalino typeface designed by Francesco Canovaro. 
The original ultrabold design
has been expanded and developed by Andrea Tartarelli and Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini in a full family
of seven weights plus italics, suitable for a wide range of design uses, from body copy to display text.

Altair's main originality lies in the calligraphic roots of its design, that gives it a friendly, confident look that is perfect for corporate voices, new technology startups, tech editorial content any other case
where a solid design must be given an emotional context. 

Visit to download the font family 
including the completely free Altair Extrabold weight!
Visit to download the font family 
including the completely free Altair Extrabold weight
Altair Typeface Family - WITH 2 FREE WEIGHTS